So school is going well, at least for Nysa. Dave and I have decided after only a few short weeks of 6 am craziness that it's for the birds. I'm sure every one of you that already has or has had school aged children thinks we should just suck it up and join the club, but seriously it's killing us. We have tried everything besides making her sleep in her school clothes to get off to a better start. If we manage to get her outside on time it's a whole other challenge for the bus driver to pull over. The bus driver didn't stop without being waved down for the first week and then the whole changing buses in kindergarten thing really stressed me out, I guess they are just preparing them for their adult, city lives at age 5. She seemed to manage just well and we have stopped following the bus to school now. She enjoys it but the hour and a half, five mile ride home may be wearing on her. She has realized if she is going to Aunt Krystal's house she gets dropped off first and keeps asking me if she can just ride bus 1 everyday. I am a huge sucker and pick her up on most of my days off, I guess I'm okay with it for now. I'm sure some day she will rather ride with anyone or on any bus than with her mom.
We are pretty sure she likes recess better than school but what kid doesn't. Maybe she will change her tune when it's negative five. She is pretty awesome at the monkey bars and has finally agreed that wearing dresses isn't all that great if you have to act like a lady. Now I know why my mom finally gave up and just made me wear pants under my dresses. I used to think how could you let me walk out of the house that way, now I know. It's pretty funny what you realize as and adult and a mother. My grandma has a few key saying she uses more often than not when she is with us and I find myself now telling my own girls, " Remember, we are ladies" and Nysa's favorite when I am combing her hair, " Sometimes it's painful to be beautiful. " I'm sure my Grandma has had her doubts that I would ever reach this point but to her dismay it has happened.
Peyton still hasn't gotten used to Nysa not being here when she wakes up, we have mastered the art of getting Nysa out of bed without waking up Peyton. It's pretty cute, when Peyton first wakes up she walks up and down the hallway saying "Nysie.....nysiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee......" and then goes to the front windows and says in the saddest little voice,"bus". She was soooo sad for the first couple of days and now after the first few minutes of sulking she realizes that she is ruling the roost and goes nuts.
Stay posted.......................but for now this is it...................
The Betta and The fish tank
4 months ago
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